CONTRACT entered into between the CLIENT, the name of the organization
In the person _____________________________________________________________
And WEB by the Designer ___________________________________________________
Which (a) acts on the basis of the passport _____________________________________
 CLIENT hires WEB Designer for planning and creating WEB-site
In exchange for payment from the CLIENT described in this offer. This offer
 Details the responsibilities of each party to complete this project.
 Each party had the opportunity, before signing this offer
FOR THE CREATION AND DESIGN OF THE WEB-SITE for the consideration of these terms in details
And make sure that they properly reflect the full consent (intention) of the parties.
 Parties have the right to negotiate and edit this offer for
CREATION AND DESIGN OF THE WEB-SITE, at own will, if it is
It is necessary, and have the opportunity to consult with your lawyer.
For their better understanding, this document includes the full scope of the
Responsibilities that each side expects from the other that is needed
Execute to complete this project. (This agreement ensures that both
The parties understand that this agreement should contain everything that they think,
What they get from the transaction, and all they have to do for the other party.)
 1. The name of the domain to be connected to the WEB-site: ____________________
The CUSTOMER has already registered, or will need to register and pay
Domain from the CLIENT during the consideration of this proposal by the parties and
Before signing the offer.
If you want the CLIENT to choose a different domain (not WordPress) WEB-site (which
Will be created) based on the WordPress template you need to connect to the domain,
Who must choose the CLIENT.
2. Site name - _________________________________ - Yes ____ No ____.
3. The purpose of creating a site of 10 pages.
WEB The designer will create a WEB-site for the CLIENT to provide
CLIENT presence in the Internet in digital form in the form of a WEB-site.
In order to provide information about the services of the CLIENT organization,
About contact information ____, about postal address _____, information about
Location in the form of GOOGLE MAP, information on SOCIAL MEDIA G + and
FACEBOOK about the organization of the CLIENT.

 1 of 8 from the date of ______________________ 2017 year | Time______________

The purpose of creating a WEB-site is to attract customers and find business
 Partners. The estimated audience of visitors to the WEB-site are the owners
 Construction companies, owners of residential and non-residential buildings, project
 4. Title and description of 10 pages of the site + page of the blog with useful addresses:
 The language of the text in the future WEB-site. Russian English_____.
The English version of the site is created in a truncated form in comparison with the Russian
1 - Homepage - ABOUT US (ABOUT US) - Yes ____ No ____;
 - Service folder (SERVICE) - Yes ____ No ____- can contain - 8 pages (below)
2 - _________________________________________ (CONSULTING) - Yes ____ No ____;
3 - __________________________________________ (INVENTORY) - Yes ____ No ____;
4 - _________________________________ (PLANING PERMISSION) - Yes ____ No ____;
5 - ________________________________ (BUILD COMMISSIONING) - Yes ____ No ____;
6 - ____________________________________ (OWNERSHIP RIGHT) - Yes ____ No ____;
7 - _______________________ (SECTION AND ALLOTMENT ESTATE) - Yes ____ No ____;
8 - ________________________ (LEGALIZATION OF RE-PLANNING) - Yes ____ No ____;
9 - __________________________________ (LAND REGISTRATION) - Yes ____ No ____;
10 - BLOG - with addresses and reference information (Wikipedia) - Yes ____ No ____;
11 - MAP - Yes ____ No ____;
12 - CONTACTS page will contain a form allowing visitors
 WEB-site send a message to the CLIENT - Yes ____ No ____;
- Navigation on the site (control buttons - these are the names of the pages - point 4).
13 - Price list - Yes ____ No ____;
14 - About the organization or the TEAM (PERSONAL) + Photo catalog of services - or office,
Partners, History - on one sheet - Yes ____ No _____;
The text for the BLOG page was not approved - the text was added by the WEB Designer.
Text for the BLOG page can be edited within 1 day and at
Site testing changes can be made within 1 hour (remotely).
The main page of the site - ABOUT US (ABOUT US) should contain hyperlinks to
All pages of the site - Yes ____ No ____;
All texts and photographs will be provided, for payment from the CLIENT with
Consultation with WEB Designer - Yes ____ No ____;
The number of WEB pages of the site is determined by WEB Designer independently,
After receiving the volume of text and photos from the CLIENT by email.

(As a CUSTOMER, you need to know if Your WEB-site will be created on WordPress,
Ready-made WordPress site templates have built-in functions for Display on a tablet 
or mobile phone. WEB - Sites based on ready WordPress templates already have built-in 
3 or 4 pages, have convenient WIDGET functions for adding SOCIAL MEDIA, are created
 faster for a smaller The amount of payment for WEB Designer, mean the rights of third parties, it can Limit changes on the site.
WordPress site templates are created faster and easier in comparison with sites,
Which are created from scratch. Sites that are created from scratch are made longer
And the cost for the WEB Designer work is more, each function is connected
Separately - WEB The designer in this offer does NOT offer to create a website
 from scratch).
 2 of 8 from __________________________2017 year | Time______________

 5. The development process will consist of four stages: 1 - Development of a concept,
2 - Creation and design, 3 - Technical settings, 4 - Testing.
1 - Concept development stage - WEB Designer starts the collection of text
(Interview) and photo for WEB-site on the subject specified by the CLIENT. Result,
 Found on free sites, stockings or photos taken and Edited text will be provided to the 
CLIENT by email or blog
(WEB designer will show for the CLIENT sample patterns of WEB-sites that
 Wants to offer, texts, and photos with the help of the report
(the blog is easier to store and show the whole project together In one blog). 
WEB designer can also send a report on the stage of development Concepts by 
email or show and read when meeting with the flush.
2 - Creation and design stage - WEB  designer will write the pages of the site,
Add photos. Create blog pages. Create and complete a G + Page
And at the request of Facebook______. Twitter______. (At the request of the CLIENT -
 on Stage of WEB design The designer will create digital images for
WEB-pages, for interrelation of the image and text - Yes _____ No _____).
3 - Technical settings stage - WEB The designer will configure 4 functions
And check the correct display of pages on the site, configure the addition
WIDGET and the pages of SOCIAL MEDIA, BLOG, MAP, EN (EN PAGE - 10 PAGE), 
4 - Testing phase - WEB  designer will connect the domain name to WEB-site and 
will integrate interactive functions at the request of the CLIENT - form For connection _____. 
Other ______________________________________________.
WEB Designer - can connect the domain name chosen by the CUSTOMER
At the stage of creating a WEB-site (if WEB Designer works remotely and does not
Can conduct testing with the CLIENT) - ____.
Also, the CLIENT will independently or together with WEB the Designer check The whole 
site to make sure that it works. This WEB-site will work in all normal browsers. He will
Is designed to work on tablets and mobile devices.
(Development of WEB-site OUT OF READY TEMPLATES to work effectively On mobile 
devices, requires additional work and negotiation And outside the main site. Such 
additional work should be indicated and Is included in the total cost of the project).
6. WEB The designer needs to inform the CUSTOMER by email about readiness
WEB-site. Ready WEB-site WEB designer passes for the CLIENT by Transfer of login
 and password from the WEB-site. The login and password of the WEB-site is transferred 
to the CLIENT after testing by the CLIENT WEB-site within 3 days.
Within 3 working days, the CUSTOMER needs to check whether there is a WEB-site
Semantic, spelling or grammatical errors, non-working Hyperlinks, non-downloadable
 drawings and write WEB comments to the Designer.
 (If the WEB Designer makes the WEB site remotely - the CUSTOMER needs to
Independently (after the letter about the readiness of the site) check - read
The WEB-site sometimes needs 2-5 hours no more). WEB  designer passes Login and 
password from the WEB-site for the CLIENT - upon receipt from the CLIENT Letters on 
the email with the text - WEB-site, URL of the WEB-site ________________________
 Checked,  no changes no required.

3 of 8 from the date ________________________2017 year | Time______________

(WEB The designer transfers username and password from the domain, if the domain CUSTOMER
Registered with WEB Designer).
WEB The designer needs to correct the errors within three working days.
If the WEB designer has not received written comments from the CLIENT during
 3 days - WEB-site will be recognized ready.
Acceptance of the finished WEB-site is carried out in accordance with the conditions,
(Annex 1) for this proposal.
7. WEB The designer is not responsible for the non-compliance of the WEB-site
Aesthetic expectations of the CLIENT if WEB The designer has fulfilled the conditions
(Annex 1).
 8. At the request of the CLIENT (if desired, in the presence of the CLIENT ____) WEB-site
Will be connected to the hosting __________________________ Yes _____ No _____.
During the testing of the site or after testing WEB-site WEB Designer
Transfers also the login, the password from the site that provides hosting services
(If WEB the Designer made connection of a hosting and if the password is at WEB the Designer) ..

9. If you have the full amount of text and photos to be placed
On the WEB-site, WEB The designer will start the work in the current
2 or 7 days after 70% or 100% of the payment for work from the CLIENT for WEB Designer.
10. The deadline for completion of work is 30 days after editing
(Translation) and approval from the CLIENT by email of all texts (also texts for
Blog) after editing and approval of the photo (images), after that,
 11. WEB The designer and the CUSTOMER will consult by email at the end
Each stage of creating a WEB site for agreement.
WEB The designer adds PRTSCR of the applied settings and updates to the
Process of work on the WEB-site, description and date in the blog
 CUSTOMER can view blog
12. WEB The designer needs (immediately) to inform the CLIENT when he finds
 Errors or poor-quality photos and text that he received from the CLIENT
(Or about situations that do not depend on the WEB designer, which can affect the
 Quality of work (or increase the time of creation of the WEB-site)).
WEB The designer needs to stop the work for a while (before
 Receipt of instructions from the CLIENT).
13. WEB The designer has the right to extend the deadline for completing the work by the number of
Days of forced downtime prior to receipt of appropriate instructions from the
14. WEB The designer has the right not to start the creation of a WEB-site, but started
Work to be suspended in cases where violation by the CLIENT of its
Responsibilities for this proposal for the creation and design of the WEB-SITE
Prevents the execution (completion) of this proposal by the WEB Designer.

 4 of 8 from the date of ______________________ 2017 year | Time______________

15. After the completion of the creation of the WEB-site in accordance with this proposal,
For any changes to the WEB-site in the future will be the responsibility of the CLIENT.
The agreement on the support of the WEB-site and the cost is negotiated separately and requires
Signing an agreement on site support. Promotion of WEB-site and cost
Negotiated separately and requires the signing of an agreement on the placement and promotion of the site.
(WEB-sites, by their nature, require further configuration or sometimes
More updates to work. The CLIENT should understand that the additional
Work is not included in this proposal).
 17. WEB The designer understands that the client can share a non-public,
Important business information for the WEB Designer while working on
 WEB The designer undertakes to keep this information secret and not disclose
Its third parties.

 18. CLIENT (at will and if necessary, connecting the site to
Hosting) should give the WEB Designer a password and login for access to
WEB hosting, domain name registrar (and related service providers)
In order to complete the work of the WEB Designer within the framework of this proposal
FOR THE CREATION AND DESIGN OF THE WEB SITE, after signing this proposal
 (Or before signing this offer or during testing and acceptance of the site).
 19. The CUSTOMER should give the WEB Designer samples of text for 10 pages
WEB-site (3000 or 4000 or more characters each page) photo,
Graphics, logos necessary to start creating and completing
WEB-site, for payment from the CLIENT (Unless otherwise specified).
Content - (text, photo) is important - it can require significant
Costs before creation or for the design and creation of a WEB-site.
The CLIENT must take into account its budget and prices.
The CUSTOMER may offer changes to the design and content within
This offer, or by agreement of the parties in writing before the date
Completing the Work on the WEB-site.
20. The CLIENT must answer the WEB questions of the Designer within 1 or 2
Or 3 days after sending a question via email from WEB Designer.
(This section will help the project to develop at a reasonable pace to completion).
21. THE CUSTOMER will pay for the WEB designer for work on the WEB-site
For the terms of this offer within 3-5 days after signing
Of this proposal:
a. The total amount of payment for the WEB of the Designer from the CLIENT for the creation
WEB-site in the amount of ___________., In the form of payment in cash in the hands of WEB The designer. Or payment by postal transfer to the address of registration indicated in
Passport WEB Designer - indicating the purpose of the transfer - after the implementation
 Postal transfer - the CUSTOMER must immediately write in a letter to the email
For the WEB of the Designer (in order that the WEB Designer could receive within 7
Or 14 days).
This amount includes only 4 main functions of the WEB-site, which
Are agreed with the CLIENT and are indicated in paragraph 5 of this proposal.

b. Execution of additional services from the WEB
WEB-site for the CLIENT - payment from the CLIENT - 10 euro / hour.
For violation of the deadline set by Clause 19 and this Agreement, the CUSTOMER
Pays WEB to the Designer a forfeit in the amount of 15 euro per day, but not more than 30%
The amount of this offer.
5 of 8 from the date of ______________________2017 year | Time______________

22. The CLIENT guarantees that any elements of the text, photos, logos for
Inclusion in the WEB-site - belong to the CUSTOMER, or the CUSTOMER has permissions
 From the owner, for use on the site.
In addition, WEB Designer guarantees that any elements of text, photos,
Which are provided by the CLIENT, or belong to the WEB Designer -
Are used with the permission of the owner for posting on the site.
23. After the delivery of the WEB-site and full payment from the CLIENT for the WEB Designer.
The CLIENT owns intellectual property rights for all texts,
Graphic images, photos, logos created by WEB Designer
For the purposes of this WEB-design Proposal. WEB The designer has
Free, the right to use text and photos to complete
 In accordance with this proposal.
- WEB The designer owns intellectual property rights for the whole
Text, photos, logos, graphics, which WEB Designer creates for
 Confirmation of receipt of WEB-site from the CLIENT by email and full payment from
CUSTOMER for WEB Designer.
24. WEB The designer will give the CUSTOMER a copy of the files relating
To this offer to safely store. WEB The designer is not required,
To store them or the source files used to produce them.
25. WEB The designer has the right to demonstrate and use the link to
 Ready WEB-site as a part of the WEB portfolio of the Designer and write about the project on
 WEB-sites, in magazine articles about WEB design. ____
Both sides agree on the importance of respecting the rights to intellectual
The property of others of the photo, text, (logos).
(There are legal risks associated with copying text, photos
Through Google search. Liability for copyright infringement may
Arise without the knowledge or intent to misuse someone else's
Materials. This section makes the CLIENT think more about which
Information is contained on the site, and also protects the WEB of the Designer from any
No legal issues).
26. Any changes to the list of works that WEB should do Designer
 Must be agreed by both parties in writing (confirmation
By e-mail), any change requires agreement and payment
 From the CLIENT for the WEB of the Designer (and possibly payment from the CLIENT of other costs
WEB Designer - (payment of travel in the bus 3-5 trips within a month).

 6 of 8 from the date ______________________2017 year | Time______________

27. For CUSTOMER's transactions made with the use of the WEB-site in the future,
WEB The designer does not bear responsibility.
28. Each party understands that they have the right to accept this offer,
And have the opportunity to consult their attorney (s) in advance
Before the implementation of this proposal.
29. If it is impossible to fully or partially perform any of the Parties
 Obligations under this proposal, if there are no foreseen
 Circumstances, the term of performance of obligations is shifted by the amount
Days, during which such circumstances will operate.
(Absence of Internet, CUSTOMER on business trip and not approved for 70 ready
 Site or not approved a domain name, the CLIENT paid 50% of the previously agreed
The amount and went on a business trip for 2 weeks (6 weeks) and does not pick up).
Each Party may at any time refuse to perform this
 Of the Agreement, and notify the other Party earlier by seven days prior to the date of termination.
The CLIENT makes payment for actually (already) performed work per day
Written cancellation of the contract.
 30. The Parties DO NOT plan to use this OFFER FOR CREATION AND
DESIGN OF THE WEB-SITE for the creation of a partnership or agency or joint
 Enterprise or franchise relationship between the WEB Designer and the CLIENT.
None of the parties will incur debts or make any commitments
Before third parties on behalf of another.
 31. Neither party has the permission to appoint or delegate any
From their duties in accordance with this proposal to someone
 Without the prior written consent of the other party.
32. Parties recognize that they can access information related to
Each other, customers, employees or independent contractors
During the implementation of this PROPOSAL FOR CREATION AND DESIGN
Both Parties agree that they will NOT require any work
 (Or arrangement) from each other, which are NOT described in this OFFER
They will not be required to hire an employee or an independent contractor in
The validity of this proposal and after the termination of this proposal.
33. In the unlikely event that the Parties later have disputes about the meaning
 Of this proposal, or one or the other party is not in a position to perform
 Duties in accordance with this proposal, disputes are resolved
Through negotiations.
34. Neither party will agree to modify this proposal
By the other party, if the party does not confirm the changes in the proposal
In writing in writing.
35. This proposal is made in 2 copies, one for each
From the Parties. Both copies have equal legal force.
The proposal comes into force after it is signed by the parties in two
Copies. The offer also comes into force also if the CLIENT has sent
A completed offer for WEB Designer by email.
7 of 8 of the date ________________________2017 year | Time______________

36. The proposal is accompanied by:

 Terms that are often used in this proposal for building
AND WEB SITE DESIGN is currently described here.
"Offer" means this document and any changes therein, such as
Is permitted in accordance with the terms of this proposal.
"Party" means the CUSTOMER or the WEB Designer.
"Parties" means CLIENT and WEB Designer, collectively.
"Project" or "WEB-site" means the development and creation of a WEB-site for

WEB Designer _____________________________________________________________
Pphone _______________________Email_______________________________________

Signature _______________

CLIENT __________________________________________________________________
In the person ______________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________Email_______________________________________

Signature stamp ___________________

8 of 8 of the date ________________________ 2017 year | Time________________



ANNEX 1 FROM DATE _______________________2017 YEAR | TIME___________

Content is the basis for determining what the WEB site will be.
Content is the basis for determining the number of WEB pages, the structure, layout,
Navigation system, etc ..
If you have all the content for the WEB site, the TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT FOR THE CREATION
AND DESIGN OF THE WEB WEB-SITE WEB The designer can quickly coordinate
Presence of the CLIENT within 1-2 hours at the time of signing the offer.
(Or after signing a proposal based on this TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT
And the wishes of the WEB CLIENT The designer will create a new TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT
And will send an email to the CLIENT).
The CLIENT can compare the list of specified wishes in the TECHNICAL
Tasks and the presence of the functions described here in the finished WEB-site.
DESIGN OF WEB-SITE TO THE CUSTOMER in the future it is necessary to make testing
Ready WEB-site.
 IF WEB The designer fulfilled the conditions of the TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT FOR THE CREATION
AND WEB SITE DESIGN - WEB The designer is not responsible for the aesthetic
Type of WEB-site.
WEB-SITE - WEB The designer can prepare (forward) provide only
Graphic site layout (or a temporary blog) without binding to a permanent e-mail
 Without a domain or phone number. On the site that provides
Templates for the layout of information on the WEB-site - free temporary
(Within 1 month) the creation of a WEB-site is possible only on the basis of a subdomain
(Free domain is not provided).
 1. The name of the future WEB-site (domain name) _____________________________
If the domain is occupied, it is possible to replace the name with ________________________
2. Site name - _______________________________
3. The purpose of creating a site of 10 pages.
WEB The designer will create a WEB-site for the CLIENT to provide
CLIENT presence in the Internet in digital form in the form of a WEB-site.
In order to provide information about the services of the CLIENT organization,
About contact information ____, about postal address _____, information about
Location in the form of GOOGLE MAP, information about SOCIAL MEDIA G +
And FACEBOOK on the organization of the CLIENT. 1 of 6.

The purpose of creating a WEB-site is to attract customers and find business
 Partners. The estimated audience of visitors to the WEB-site are the owners
 Construction companies, owners of residential and non-residential buildings, project
 4. Title and description of 10 pages of WEB-site + BLOG page with useful
1 - Homepage - ABOUT US (ABOUT US) - Yes ____ No ____;
 - Service folder (SERVICE) - Yes ____ No ____- can contain - 8 pages (below)
2 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
3 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
4 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
5 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
6 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
7 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
8 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
9 - _____________________________________________________ Yes ____ No ____;
10 - BLOG - with addresses and reference information (Wikipedia) Yes ____ No ____;
11 - MAP - Yes ____ No ____;
12 - CONTACT (CONTACT) page will contain a form allowing visitors to the WEB-site to send a message to the CLIENT - Yes ____ No ____;
- Navigation on the site (control buttons - these are the names of the pages - point 4).
13 - PRICE LIST - Yes ____ No ____;
14 - About the organization or the TEAM (PERSONAL) + Photo catalog of services (or office),
Partners, History - on one sheet - Yes ____ No _____;
The text for the BLOG page can be edited within 1 day and at
Site testing changes can be made within 1 hour (remotely).
The main page of the site - ABOUT US (ABOUT US) should contain hyperlinks to
All pages of the site - Yes ____ No ____;
All texts and photographs will be provided, for payment from the CLIENT with
Consultation with WEB Designer - Yes ____ No ____;
The number of WEB pages of the site is determined by WEB Designer independently,
After receiving the volume of text and photo from the CLIENT for WEB Designer by email.
5. Navigation on the site (control buttons are the names of the pages according to clause 4).
The site should contain a page - a site map - Yes ____ No ____;        
                                                                                                                                 2 of 6.

Block scheme of the site - Find the answer (wishes) together with the customer or WEB
The designer himself.
 6. The language of the text in the future WEB-site. Russian English____.
English pages of WEB-site are created in a truncated form in comparison
With the Russian version.
7. The volume and composition of textual information in electronic form will be provided by email or in the URL of the blog described here _____________________
Up to 25 WEB pages as an attachment to the TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT.
The volume and composition of the photo in electronic form will be provided by email or
In the here or URL of the blog ____________________________
Up to 20 photos (images) as an attachment to the TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT.
(In our digital world, transfer to flash or on paper is not relevant).
Text (Word format) and graphic information (format png, jpeg and gif),
Are transferred from the CLIENT to the WEB Designer by email at the time of signing
Once a year (occasionally) WEB A designer can get text information
In the form of PRTSCR text or text on a photo, or scan text, or in paper form -
WEB The designer takes 15-30 days to type the text on the keyboard.
Set of text 20 - UAH 1 sheet. 30 sheets 600 UAH. Text translation 30 UAH 1 sheet.
 A table or a large table according to this TECHNICAL TRAINING will be
Is posted on the WEB-site in the form of a link to .pdf or images of jpeg, png.
In the future, when approving the layout of the WEB-site, photos (graphics) placed on the
WEB-site (before promotion and publication of the site) must be purchased by the CLIENT
From sites of image waste. Image format - specify 2 options - png____, gif____, jpeg____, and _____.
If necessary (in Photoshop WEB, the designer can modify, modify, create a collage for 20 or 30% of images or icons (icons are similar to logos) .It will be safer and calmer when the photos are bought legally
 Even if the CLIENT plans to place only 5 or 10 photos.
8. The general background of the site is light (white). Optionally select
Together with the CUSTOMER -_____________________________________________________
9. Size and type of the font of the site Arial - or _____________________________________
The font size of the WEB-site should be from 12 for text, _____, _____, _____ for
10. The main words (tags) by which visitors should find the WEB-site in
Search engines (GOOGL for example) indicate _____________________________
Tags are written in the settings of the WEB-site inside - while the tags (words) will be
Yes on the main page of the site - Yes ____ No ____ (it spoils the view
WEB-site). The list of keywords for SEO settings of the WEB-site is of a reference nature for WEB Designer and is not tested during testing
 Ready WEB-site. 3 of 6.

  11. The site's position in the search for GOOGL CHROME (or other search engines) will be described in the ACCOMMODATION AGREEMENT.
Carrying out an advertising campaign to promote the WEB-site.
Registration of a site in search systems (AD WORDS - paid accommodation) and catalogs is stipulated additionally. Promotion of the WEB-site (SEO settings) is determined by a separate TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT and the AGREEMENT on promotion
 And SEO customization. IN THE TECHNICAL ASSIGNMENT FOR THE CREATION OF WEB-SITE - the promotion of the WEB-site is not specified and is not included in the work performed.
12. Maintenance (support) of the WEB-site requires a separate TECHNICAL
Maintenance of the WEB-site is NOT part of the work.
13. The main browser that will view the WEB-site, and its minimum version - GOOGLE CHROME (and _________________________________).
14. Loading the WEB-site (depends on the Internet provider). Average load time
Pages 11 to 40 seconds at a connection speed of 28.8 Kbps. Require more
Time - loading banners, etc.
15. The volume of the WEB-site, MB. It is not specified.
16. The period of development of WEB-site - 30 days from the date of receipt of 70% of advance payment after
In the hands of WEB Designer or through postal money transfer to the name of WEB Designer
(To the address of registration indicated in the OFFER FOR CREATION AND DESIGN
17. Development of the WEB-site in the future - adding new pages to the WEB-site -
well no____.
18. The order of transfer of the site. WEB The designer passes the WEB-site by transferring
Login and password from the WEB-site to the CLIENT - yes ____ no ____. (If you wish the CLIENT

 Pay already created WEB-site - in advance for 10 or15 days before the transfer
WEB-site to the WEB-CUSTOMER The designer contributes to the WEB-site account the number of the individual
(Empty) bank of the CUSTOMER card for payment of a license fee for the domain).
If the domain is registered separately from the WEB site - then a separate (empty) bank CUSTOMER card can be connected at the time of signing the OFFER FOR CREATING AND DESIGNING THE WEB SITE.
With incomplete payment for WEB-site - WEB, the Designer has the right not to transfer username and password from the WEB-site. The CLIENT needs to check the presence of grammatical and spelling errors on the site within three working days. The detected errors WEB The designer needs to be eliminated within three working days.
19. Each page of the WEB-site must contain a logo - yes ____ no ____.
20. If necessary - the development of the WEB-site 7 months after the creation -
well no___. The purpose of the development (update) of the WEB-site is updating and support
Work of the WEB-site. Updating the company's price list, updating the text
About services of the organization, photos of offered services (goods).
                                                                                                                                    4 of 6.

a. Updates are made once in ____________________ month (s), within 30
Days on the basis of information provided by the CLIENT.
B. Site pages that will be updated in the future.
Home Page (ABOUT US) __________________________________________
C. The volume and composition of photos and text for adding a WEB-site, instead of the old one
Information, should have a volume of not more than 20% of the amount of information
On the WEB-site before the update begins.
D. Block the site map when updating the WEB-site in the future should be saved.
If necessary, add new WEB-pages in the WEB-site to the flowchart
Site is determined by WEB Designer yourself.
E. The procedure for transferring the WEB-site to the CLIENT after the process
Update, which will come in 7 months. At the request of the CLIENT
WEB-Designer gives the CLIENT the password and login from the WEB-site (password and login from hosting if hosting is connected), necessary for servicing the WEB-site.
F. Files that need to be added during the update are selected by the CLIENT.
21. Age audience of the future WEB-site. From 30 to 50 years. (Information is
Recommendation character, verification of the transfer of the WEB-site is not subject to).
22. The main resolution range of monitors on which the site will be viewed in this TERMS OF REFERENCE is not specified.

CUSTOMER: Name_______________________________________________________
Number of the document (charter) according to which the Customer is acting 
Registration address of organization __________________________________________
Passport data (for individuals) _______________________________________________

Identification number (optional) __________________________________
Tel. _______________________________ tel. _________________________________ 
E-mail: _____________________________ e-mail: _____________________________

Print Signature _______________ 5 of 6.


WEB Designer: Name _____________________________________________________
Passport data ___________________________________________________________
Registration address ______________________________________________________
Identification number (optional) __________________________________
Tel. ______________________________ tel. __________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________ e-mail: ________________________________
Individual's tax status

                                                                   Signature ________________
                                                                                                                                       6 of 6.




Date __________________________ 201   year.
Legal entity (or ...)______________________________________________________________
in the face Full name_____________________________________________________________
in this contract has a name"Customer" that  acts on the basis of the certificate of state
registration, date
of issue_________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ of the certificate on the
one hand and the FLP Full name ._____________________________________
_________________________________ In this contract is named "Ispolnitel" that operates
on the basis Ordering a unified state register of legal entities and natural persons-entrepreneurs
from 04.16.2015 year. Number _____________________________ on the other hand have entered
 into this Agreement on the provision of advertising services.
                                           1. THE SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT
1.1. This Agreement regulates the provision of advertising services to the Customer.
Ispolnitel plaсe advertise the estate per cost of the Customer.
1.2. The customer gives the task:
1. Placing real estate pictures, interior (landscape) on the websites about architecture, about 
interior design. On the websites for sale of real estate. Name, description and address of 
1 or 2 
objects which you want to place the photo (address i write with you wish - write please is 
 with adress or - place without  adress object). ____________________________________
Placing on the English-language sites on request (-70 - 80%) of the total __________________
advertising. (In the English language more tools to view the contacts and  to send emails, message translation.) Place in another  language sites (20-10%) ____________.
On the pages for the sale of real estate and on the pages of interior design.  Place photo help
draw attention to  Customer object. Placement in social networks - where you can discuss the plan,
 the number of floors, location and estate type. This contract is valid for (1-2) months from ____________________________ 201     year   to
___________________________201   year.
2. Send mail by e- mail:______________________________
Communication (on the phone) and e -mail - mail, during working hours from 9.00 - 16.00 (17.00). 
(or part-time 2 - 4 hours a day - to underline). 2 days off per week.
Occasionally help in organizing view object  (1 - 2 times a month depending on the address
object) present during the inspection of the object. Occasionally help at a meeting in the office of 
the buyer and the customer to sign the "contract Sale of real estate " ("RENT") - owned by the Customer.
1.3. Under this Agreement fulfills its functions in the territory ______________________________________________________________________________.
like - advertising specialist in the field - real estate sales.                                                   
                                     2. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER
2.1. Provide the ISPOLNITEL of the real estate object information and photos of the interior
 landscape. Photo documents confirming a building permit (for construction companies), the
certificate of commissioning (which have foto). Photo documents proving ownership on the
subject of the advertisement (for owners).                                                                  1 from 3. 

2.2. In case of cancellation of the services to inform the ISPOLNITEL  by e mail: _______________________________________________ with paying per already doing plaсe.
                                  3. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE ISPOLNITEL
3.1. Provide services in the manner and within the period specified in this Agreement.
3.2. If it is impossible to provide the services to inform the customer in advance for 7 days.
by e-mail: ________________________________ message about the impossibility of Service
means the termination of the Agreement, and frees parties from liability for non-compliance 
of this Agreement.
                                                    4. TERMS OF PAYMENT
4.1. For the provision of services under this Agreement Customer pays the ISPOLNITEL a fee
of _______________  EURO (USD)   after 2 weeks after signing of the contract in the amount 
of  70%, in cash or by electronic transfer to the card (to be specified). And notifies by e- mail.
                                               5. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES
5.1. All disputes arising out of this Agreement be settled by negotiation between the Parties.
                                              6. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT
6.1. This Agreement is concluded and enters into force upon signature by the Parties and of signature
 (stamped if available).
6.2. Expiration of this Agreement shall not release the Parties from the responsibility for its violation
 that occurred during the term of this Agreement.
                                                      7. FINAL PROVISIONS
7.1. At the time of conclusion of this Agreement is the payer ISPOLNITEL tax on the general
taxation system.
7.2. This Contract is made on 3 pages with a full understanding by the Parties terms and terminology
 in english (Russian), in 4 duplicate,  They have the same legal force, two for each party. Parties are
solely responsible  for  the correctness of  in the present contact details. And undertakes to inform
th other in writing  details of  the change contact.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                8. DETAILS AND SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES
Customer: Name _________________________________________________________________

Passport data (for Phys. Person) ___________________________________________________

Legal address (address registration, if needed) ________________________________________
Registration EDRPOU code (INN) __________________________________
Bank card________________________________
tel ._________________________________ ,_________________________________________

e-mail: _____________________________ e-mail: _____________________________________
tax status ______________________________________________________________________
Stamp                                                                        Signature                                 2 from 3. 

Ispolnitel: Name _________________________________________________________________
Ordering a unified state register of legal entities and natural persons-entrepreneurs from from                           year. Number __________________________________
An identification number_________________________________
Passport data __________________________________________________________________
Legal address (address registration) _________________________________________________
Account number _________________________________
in (name of bank) _______________________________________________________________
Bank card________________________________
 tel .________________________________,_____________________________________________
e-mail: _______________________________ e-mail: ___________________________________
tax status ______________________________________________________________________

Stamp                                                                                     Signature       

                                                                                                                                    3 from 3.


These sample contracts. You can read - it is very convenient - you can download
and change - to make draft, notes for yourself.
Download here and print - this is a great difficulty - the page will not be the same.
I have no program Office Word - not printer - i can not print the page - page will be not save number. 

I do also - contract in Jpeg format - where all the lines I cut. And convenient to print anywhere.



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